Team - The Virginians
Varsity Boys Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
SYSA Internationals 650143351680.833
The Virginians 6420663412320.667
Vikings 642053461270.667
Stonebridge HS 622239518-120.333
Loudoun 00B Black 62403830680.333
PAC The Reserection 624044656-210.333
Potomac Falls 605128501-220.000
The Virginians's Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
dom-dic 17   Stonebridge HS 6 - 21 The Virginians Complete VA Army National Guard Field 2 Regular 
sáb-dic 23   The Virginians 12 - 4 PAC The Reserection Complete VA Army National Guard Field 2 Regular 
sáb-ene 6   Loudoun 00B Black 5 - 10 The Virginians Complete Field 1 Regular 
sáb-ene 13   The Virginians 10 - 2 Potomac Falls Complete Field 3 RegularValdivia
sáb-ene 13   The Virginians 5 - 6 SYSA Internationals Complete Field 3 Regular 
dom-ene 14   The Virginians 8 - 11 Vikings Complete Field 1 Regular 
dom-ene 21   The Virginians 11 - 2 Stonebridge HS Complete Field 1 Postseason-PostseasonMartinez